

The editor enables efficient creation of flashcards in Buffl.

You can create maps both in the mobile apps and in the browser. We recommend using the editor in the WebApp on your computer to create your content. This version offers the most features and is the fastest to use.

To get started using the editor, navigate to a course of your choice and open a deck by clicking "Edit".

A stack of cards can contain flashcards in different formats: Flashcards, Multiple Choice Questions, and Story Cards.

An index card consists of a front and back, or a question and answer page. These cards can be answered correctly or incorrectly as you learn, checking yourself.

A multiple choice card consists of one question, and several answer options. Insert as many answer options as you like and mark which of them are correct. In learning mode, the user can select one or more options and then have them checked.

A story card has only one page and can contain any information. It cannot be answered incorrectly, the learner can only click "Next". They are particularly suitable for introducing a topic or explaining a more complex issue.

The editor offers three different layouts: the standard view, gallery view and the list view. In the standard and gallery view, a sidebar with a thumbnail of the maps is displayed. One can switch between the individual maps by clicking on the thumbnails and view them in detail.

List view displays all cards on a page line by line in a list view. This is especially useful for use with the keyboard only. The Tab key can be used to jump back and forth between the individual cards, or to create new cards. For example, if you have to type a long vocabulary list, you can finish it much faster with the list view.